Sunday, March 6, 2011

How it all began!

As Ian and I approach our 9 year anniversary, I find myself reminicing about our first meeting and the events surrounding our 1st date.

In March 2000, Ian became the newest member of the "low-rise" RA(residant assistant) staff at the University of Akron. I myself was a sophomore at the U of A, studying nursing as well as an RA! I had just recently said that I didnt want to date anyone and was going to focus on school and the upcoming grueling semesters of Nursing classes as well as my commitment as an RA. Little did I know within a few short weeks my life would change. I distinctly remember the day Ian and I met, as does he. In the RA world there typically is a no dating the other staff policy, however things changed with Ian and I.

As I was working with my RA advisor, Megan we sat in her office and there was a knock on the door. Megan opened the door and I looked up and saw this handsome boy standing in the doorway. The next thing I remember is me standing up and Ian walking over and shaking my hand and introducing himself as a new staff member. (All I kept thinking is..Wow, he shook my hand!) Typically college boys just said "hey, what's up." But in that instance, I felt that there was something different about Ian. After Ian left the office, all I remember thinking was "WOW, he's really nice" A few days had passed and we had a staff dinner planned. During dinner I remember Ian and I talking and he asked me if I would want to come to his room since he hadnt got to talk to me as much as the other RA's. I said sure and he said he would call. After dinner, i had to be on desk duty in the dorms and 3 of my residents(Tara, Tina and Caroline) were visiting me when I "got the call.!" Ian and I decided after desk duty I would head over to his room........I was SOOOO giddy and excited, but was trying to convince myself that he wasn't interested, but Tina, Tara and Caroline were more than convinced he WAS interested. So, after desk duty I ran up to my room and changed and got ready....and headed to Ian's room. When I got there I remember having butterflies and being so unsure of myself. We decided to "watch" the movie "The Matrix" however 3 hours later when the movie ended we realized that we had been talking and sharing our stories with one another. I left and went back to my dorm room. As soon as I walked into the room, the phone rang and it was Ian just making sure I got back ok. (SO SWEET!!) Then I went down to Tara and Tina's room and couldnt stop smiling or talking about my night.

So for the next few weeks, Ian and I were "talking" as they say in the dating world. I was involved in "Tetelestai" which is an easter passion play. On April 21st, it was a Friday night and coincidentaly my granparents 50th wedding anniversary as well as a performance or should I say a prayerformance as we call them in the world of "Tetelestai" and Ian called and asked if he could come over before I left for the performance that night. I said sure. So it was probably about 3 or 4 in the afternoon and Ian arrives with flowers(lillies) to be exact and we sat and talked for a bit. Ian then very nervously asked me to be his girlfriend and asked if he could kiss me. I said "YES" to being his girlfriend but the kiss thing...well....he got a kiss on the cheek! So then I was off to the performance. Ian was on DUTY so he could not make it to a performance but we usually go out to eat afterwards and he agreed to meet up with me later and so he did and Ian got to meet my Tetelestai family!

A few weeks after we were officially dating, it was Mother's day and Ian had asked if he could come home with me! HOLY COW is all I thought. That meant he would be meeting my family! And so we headed home together and on this weekend he met my entire family and GUESS WHAT...they loved him, especially my Grandma. We were able to share with my Grandma and Grandpa that we actually started dating on their anniversary. The were elated and I remember my grandma taking Ian aside and talking with him privately. To this day that conversation is between Ian and my grandma!

As the months passed, Ian and my relationship became stronger with each passing day and he soon would be deployed to Germany with the Air Force for his annual 2 weeks of training. During this time is when I fell in love with him, because I realized how much he meant to me and how much joy and happiness he brought into my life. Once Ian returned, as we did every Sunday we went to church. As we are sitting in church Ian took his finger and wrote on my pants "I Love You" I remember being in shock as this is exactly how I felt and did the same thing on his pant leg with my finger!

After 11 months of dating, on March 6th, Ian proposed to me and asked me to "be his best friend for life" and of course i said "YES"

On July 6th, 2002....Ian and I exchanged our wedding vows with our closest friends and family. This was the happiest day of our life! Ian and I were ready to begin our life together!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

My love, my life and pursuing our dreams!

Hi friends,

I have come to the realization that life can be planned but not turn out the way our plans are laid. For anyone that knows me, I am completely the Type A personality, planner, organizer and just need to have all my ducks in a row. Ian and I are approaching our 9 year anniversary and to say the least our life has not gone in anyway we would have ever imagined. I have a wonderful, devoted, kind, caring and compassionate husband whom has given me so much strength and courage and a son who is a true miracle. For Ian and I our dreams of having a large family have become just that.....a dream and not a reality. Our struggles to have more children has come with 6+ years of infertility and I have decided I want to share my story with everyone. I feel it is an important story to tell because the type of infertility that we suffer from is called Secondary infertility due to the fact that we have been able to conceive a child naturally. Braden has been such an amazing blessing in our lives and he alone has given us the strength and courage to continue on our journey. I have journaled for the last several years and would like to share with all of you our story. Many people know our story and some are just aware of what we are going through. So it will take some type to transcribe my journal, but I am determined to help at least one person who is facing our same struggles to be able to find the courage, strength and hope to continue.

I hope in reading this blog, you can truly understand our desire and hope for more children and would only ask for prayers and support. We are about to embark on what may be our last hope. As scared as I am, I have HOPE that God will give us the precious gift of another child.

Thank you and Love to all who read

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


Well, I first want to apologize that I have not been better on keeping up with our Family Blog. Alot has happened in the last 6 months.

So here goes an update.............

As for Braden, he is the best little "big" man on campus at the moment. He has recovered beautifully from his surgery. We were home on July 16th and the first few weeks at home were difficult with Braden's walking abilities being the most pressing issue. Since The 3rd week of July we have been in Physical therapy 1-2 times per week and are on the home stretch. Our physical therapist is AMAZING, her name is Katie and she has the patience of Job. She is so wonderfully motivating with Braden and he has improved steadily over the last 6 months. He is currently able to walk and run comfortably. In our eyes he is back to our lil man who is full of lots of energy and the spunky attitude of a 6 year old.

Braden started 1st grade on August 24th. On August 23rd we went to a doctors appointment with our Nephrologists(kidney doctor) at Akron Children's Hospital. Dr. Prebis was VERY impressed with Braden's results to date and we don't have to come back for 3 months (YEAH!). So, that night we got home and prepared Braden for his 1st day of First Grade. To say the least I was a ball of nerves and had diligently prepared a list of signs and symptoms/do's and don't/information on Braden's surgery for Braden's teachers, principal and school administration. When I dropped all of the paperwork off I basically told them that in the event that the squad(aka 911) would need to be called hand them the paper and it has all the information that would be needed. There eyes got so big and I had to reassure them that Braden is very stable and this would not probably happen but "just in case."

So first grade has been very good to Braden and he has adjusted well. As the school year began Braden had many restrictions due to the Major nature of his surgery. His restrictions were he was not able to run, go outside for recess or participate in gym class. His teacher Mrs.Scheurer was amazing and would let Braden pick out 1 friend each day at recess to stay inside and play with leggos or trucks, puzzles and games. He was such a trooper. In October we went back to the University of Michigan for a follow-up appointment and testing. While there Braden has a Vascular Stress Test where he laid down and had his arm and leg Blood pressures taken then he had to walk on a treadmill for 8 minutes and have his blood pressures retaken. The results were wonderful and our surgeon Dr Stanley was VERY impressed. Braden was very excited to ask Dr. Stanley a very important question. So he asked Dr Stanley in the cutest voice ever if he could play in gym class and go to recess. Dr. Stanley made Braden do a sit up and to our surprise the answer was "YES!" Ian and I just looked at each other in disbelief. And then I got VERY nervous. So on the way home from Michigan Ian and I had a very serious talk about the do's and don't of recess and gym and Braden was very reassuring to us that he knows when it is tooo much. So the next day when I walked Braden into school, he was so excited to tell his friends the good news. This moment reminded me how incredibly lucky I am to have a happy and healthy son, a loving husband who has gotten me through the tough times.

In early 2011, Braden went back to his Nephrologist and was completely taken off of his BP(blood pressure) medication. We are very excited because that is one step closer to becoming "normal" again. He will continue to take a daily baby aspirin and multivitamin. Braden continues to be in Physical therapy every other week for 1 day and his balance and strength have steadily become normal again.

Braden is getting very excited about the upcoming Soccer season and will be playing for St. Peters and he cannot wait. He had to sit out 1 season due to the surgery and he is looking forward to being the BEST soccer player EVER!!! And Ian and I are excited once again to be the proud parents in the stand rooting him on.

Ian and I feel so blest to have a healthy and happy lil man who has overcome each obstacle that has been placed in his path. He is our tiny lil miracle who continues to bless our lives richly each and everyday.

I am hoping to keep up with this blog weekly if not more in the coming months, so stay tuned for more info on the Ball Family.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

We have been home for 5 days....

We have been home for 5 days and it has been both relaxing and stressful. Monday morning(July 19th) we called our insurance company to try to figure out where we could go to have Braden work with a physical therapist. The closest place is about 45-60 minutes away and both Ian and I were worried because of Braden's comfort or lack thereof in the car for long periods of time. So we worked through the process of getting referrals, etc from Braden's pediatrician and finally got an appointment for today(July 21st) at 4pm for physical therapy. Ian and I have been diligently working with Braden on stretching, flexing and massaging his legs and walking with our assistance. Other than that we have been relaxing and spending alot of time watching movies and cartoons.

Braden continues to gain strength and his appetite is slowly returning. I just wish he could walk because that is what is truly holding him back. I know it will come but I truly want him to be able to enjoy what is left of his summer. It has been 2 weeks today since his surgery and Ian and I are back to work. Ian returned to work yesterday and will be working Tues-Fri 10 hour days and I will be working at the hospital Fri, Sat and Sun 7p-7a. This will allow both Ian and I to be home with Braden all the time.

Continued prayers would be appreciated and once again, Thank you all who have been such amazing support to us throughtout this difficult time in our lives.

On our way home....

So we left the hospital at about 430pm and the plan was for Braden and Daddy to ride in the backseat of our car and for mommy to drive. We got Braden situated and we were headed home. After about 15 minutes, Braden was not comfortable and luckily Nana and Papa were heading back to Mansfield with us and we made a stop to get gas and Braden rode in Nana and Papa's van so he could recline in the seat and Daddy drove the van and Papa was also in there and Nana joined Mommy. The drive home went farely quickly but I did make several phone calls to Ian to check on my lil man and he was nice and comfy and asleep.

Once we got home, we were greeted by all of the neighborhood kids. My best friend, Crystal and her kids as well. It was so cute, Crystal's daughter Sarah sent me a text no more than 5 minutes after we left the hospital asking if we were in Ohio yet, so when we were about 15 mintues away from home, I sent her a message.

So, as we pulled into the driveway all of the kids came around and said hi to Braden and we got him inside. Once inside, Braden was smiling and talking with Sarah and Hunter. It was soooo good to see him smile.

Nana and Papa stayed with us for the night and we worked with Braden on walking as he is still having trouble and the plan was to relax, unpack and continue to work with Braden all weekend and schedule Physical Therapy on Monday morning.

We are soooooo happy to be home and once again thank each and every one of you who have said prayers, sent well wishes, taken care of our home and been soo generous to us throughout this most difficult time in our lives.

THE RESULTS.....Finally

So Friday, July 16th would be a wonderful day, but we did not know that as the sun rose. Ian and I had both slept at the hospital and Nana and Papa were back at the hotel. We thought that we would get word early in the morning so Ian and I both took turns to return to the hotel and shower and pack up a few things as we anticipated being discharged if everything was looking good. When we both were finally back at the hospital there were preliminary results relayed to us via a Resident, but still no word from Dr. Stanley who ultimately has the final word and decision. In the mean time we were prepared for discharge with prescriptions, instructions and questions answered, but we knew that until we got the word from Dr. Stanley this was only heresay.

At about 4pm, we finally saw Dr. Stanley and he reviewed with us Before and after Pictures and the results of the angiogram. All looked well and Dr. Stanley feels comfortable and confident with the work that was done and the improvement in Braden's blood pressures already. We would be going home on Blood pressure medication with the hopes that it could be weaned off eventually. This is not uncommon in someone who has had the extensive surgery and revascularization that Braden did.

Once we saw Dr. Stanley we were quickly discharged and left the hospital at about 430pm.

Angiogram and the final results

So on Thursday, July 15th we were scheduled for an angiogram which is a test where they puncture the femoral(groin) artery and are able to insert a very small camera and advance the camera to look at blood vessels and blood is very similar to a heart cath however with Braden they were looking at his abdominal aorta and his only kidney's blood flow and new connections. The procedure was scheduled at 0830 in the morning and Braden had to be NPO(nothing by mouth) after needless to say when Braden woke up in the morning his first statement was " I am SOOO hungry" To Ian and I this was music to our ears because it was the first day where Braden seemed to be hungry and wanted food since his surgery day. So as 0830 approached we continued to prep Braden for the procedure and reinterate to him that they just needed to take pictures. Braden did require anesthesia for the procedure due to the importance of remaining incredibly still. 0900 came and went and then finally at 0930 we were taken to the angiography suite and Braden was given medication to help him relax and then fell asleep for the procedure. Ian and I then left the procedure room and went back to wait in the Pediatric Surgery waiting room otherwise known as "Big Bird" and we waited and waited and waited. We were told that the procedure could take 20 minutes to 2 hours...At about 1100 we were approached and taken to the PACU(post anesthesia care unit) where Braden was recovering. We were told that Dr. Stanley (Braden's surgeon) needed to review the images that were taken and would talk to us later due to the fact that Dr. Stanley was completing another Major surgery, so we did not know when he would be talking with us. Braden was then taken to his room on the 6th floor to recover further and the afternoon was sure to be interesting.

Braden was required to lay completely flat and still for 6 hours following the procedure which meant for another 5 hours we would be reminding Braden to remain flat and still...hard for an adult to do and even harder for a 6 year old to do. But he did it and we were very proud of him. At 500pm Braden was able to sit up and move about freely. Ian and I continued to wait and wait and wait to see if we would get any word on how everything looked from the angiogram. At about 10pm we were both exhausted and decided to stay at the hospital just in case Dr. Stanley was to come in early to talk with us...It was another uneventful night and we got a few good hours of sleep......